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Lizardfolk Lair

This large hill on the coast is home to an aggressive group of lizardfolk. Within the lair is a society of lizardfolk that keep mostly to themselves. Though the townspeople of Saltmarsh often think they are preparing to attack them, it is often misguided resentment. The hill itself can be found near the edge of the Hool Marshes at the mouth of the Dunwater River. The skeleton of a large crocodile is known to sit atop the mountain as a sign of reverence for the magnificent beast.


While they are the most powerful village for some miles, they are not the most powerful in terms of nearby villages and towns. Saltmarsh is a much stronger town while the smaller tribe of bullywogs are nomadic and small enough to be a non-threat.


The society is run as a small monarchy with a queen and some higher nobles. There's no taxes...they are lizards.


Their defenses are the fact that they live within a dome of a hill as well as their access to both the swamp and the ocean.


There have been lizardfolks living in this hill for generations. However, there have been times when they go dormant or all leave for a greater purpose. However, this is never known and has never been tracked for a consistent record of when it occurs.
Alternative Name(s)
Home (The Lizardfolk do not have a name for it other than "Home")
Underground / Vault


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