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Sahuagin (Saw-Who-a-Gin)

"The village was empty, the seagulls were strangely quiet, and all we could hear was the surge of the sea." - An account of the Aftermath of a Sahuagin Raid

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Sahuagins are a predatory, priscine race that ventures from the ocean's black depths to hunt the creatures of the shallows and shore. Though they dwell in the deepest trenches of the ocean, sahuagin view the entire aquatic realm as their kingdom and the creatures in it as blood sprt for their hunting parties.

Additional Information

Social Structure

This race seems to be a patriarchal society but only in the sense that they believe whoever is the strongest should be in charge. Though there has been a hierarchy of power amongst raiders, there has been no further study into the social structure within their own society.

Civilization and Culture


Across fog-shrouded coasts or endless ocean swells, an ominous drone sounded on a conch shell chills the blood of all who hear it. This is the should nf the sahuagin hunting horn - a call to raid and battle. Though they are not the only underwater species, they are certainly the most combative to both aquatic and terrestrial species and thus have been labeled by both as "Sea Devils". Sahuagin have no compassion in them, slaughtering the crews of ships and decimating coastal villages.   Curiously, no species has come forth as knowing the origin of the sahuagin. Even elves, whether from land or sea, do not recall their co-existence. Almost a century back, there were suddenly reports of sea devil creatures from the depths of the Azure sea attacking trading vessels and leaving the ships to float. Due to their sudden appearance and rampant aggression, there has been talk between underwater races and land walkers about how to curb their encroachment outwards but no resolution has been met.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

One aspect of note amongst these creatures is their hatred towards the elven race. Their combats are particularly bloody and vicious as it almost seems as if the Sahuagin specifically search out elves to kill in any of their raids. As such, the Sea Elves have been actively pushed from their homes and seek refuge with other aquatic races, even going so far as to seek help from terrestrial races when possible.


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