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Thri-kreen (Three-Kah-Ree-n)

The Thri-kreen are normally a race of instect-humanoid creatures (insectoids) that live in underground hives. They often can act as guards between surface dwellers and the Underdark since most of the caves can connect between both regions. Most often, there are hives that are deep underground with tunnels that spread out for full access to a regions resources. Some sects of the Thri-kreen have been known to be more locust-like in nature and, thus, more hostile towards farmers and humanoids on the surface. Others have been more peaceful with occasional bad actors and smaller groups that terrorize surface dwellers and underdark residents alike.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

A Thri-kreen has a hard chitinous shell. The shell has a thin translucent coating, which allows the creature to change its color slightly. Armorers often use the carapace to craft armor and shields.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The thri-kreen have a language but it is one that is only understood between other members of the thri-kreen as it is composed of mostly clicks (from their mandibles) and small almost imperceptible movements with their antennae. Some members of the insectoid community, however, do possess psionic abilities that help them lead and communicate with leaders of other communities. These psionic thri-kreen are rare, however, and are often kept protected in their home hives.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

They do not wear clothes but are also not known for having any humanoid anatomy that would need to be hidden. Surprise, surprise, the insect race does not have the same cultural norms that other surface dwelling humanoids would have.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Being a sub-surface race, the thri-kreen faction that lives North of the Saltmarsh area has had issues with Saltmarsh's new fascination with mining the area. Though there has not been any formal fight between the two groups, there has been a growing tension as the dwarven miners have gotten closer to the hive, digging farther into the Earth. A subsection of the main hive, known as The Swarm, has begun to attack miners that venture into pre-carved tunnels.


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