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This land is controlled by both fire and water genasi that work in harmony. They were said to have been sent here centuries ago from their respective planes, the Plane of Fire and the Plane of Water. Currently, they are a close-knit community who are more than happy to do business with Keoland traders. They are said to also stay cordial with traders from the Hold of the Sea Princes as well but they don't see as many traders from that side of Guilrock Bay.


For the most part, this town is made up of Fire and Water Genasi. However, there are dwarves, humans, and even some aquatic races who live here as well. They all work together to make the town thrive as an outpost for traders and fisherment alike.


There are always two respective rulers that are pre-destined to be married: one ruler for the water genasi, and one ruler for the fire genasi. There are underlings and each has a royal family attached to them. The marriage is a sign of massive respect more than anything else as they are both allowed their own lovers and familial lives away from the palace.    Beneath them are a series of governors to do the day-to-day business. Often, these are also comprised of genasis, however, out of respect for Keoland, some non-genasi have been appointed as worthy keepers of the peace.

Industry & Trade

They are known for trading aquatic goods from the aquatic races here as well as forging and selling some very high-class magical weapons.


There are three main districts of Upna: The Eastern Magma, the Central Ports, and The Western Reefs  The island is often depicted on maps as one continuous landmass, however, this is not true. The area to the west, often referred to as "The Net," is entirely underwater and situated between massive coral reefs. This is where the water genasi make their homes. Though they are not bound to underwater housing as other aquatic races are, they prefer it, and thus have made this their home.    The area to the east, often referred to as "The Fisherman," is home to the fire genasi. Though there is some shaded forested area, much of the land is situated on magma and thus much hotter than other islands or land masses. Similar to the water genasi, the fire genasi don't need to be attached to fire to survive, but do so out of comfort.    Between these two is the largest hub known as the Central Ports. This is where the rulers reside as well as where all trade and bussiness is conducted for outsiders. The ports were created some time after both races had colonized the land so it's not as advanced as one might expect for the age of the races here. Keoland had a heavy hand in creating the ports here but has since, forgotten about it almost entirely, leaving it to the people and traders to upkeep.


Will reveal when asked about or researched. 


  • Upna
    A small town mostly filled with water and fire genasi from the planes of water and fire respectively. Half the island is made of solidified magma with lava rivers, while the other half is an underwater coral reef that goes on for miles. There is a drawbridge in the middle that most use if they choose to pass through.
Founding Date
Characters in Location
Vehicles Present


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