Furyondy, Kingdom of

Ruled by His Pious Majesty, the King of Furyondy, Belvor IV

Modern Furyondy spans the land between the mighty Velverdyva and Veng Rivers, from the Nyr Dyv in the south to the southern shore of Lake Whyestil in the north. The nation abuts the grand Vesve Forest, but claims only a small part of that expanse.

The two great lakes moderate the weather throughout most of the year. Rain is more common in the north, making a depressing land even more miserable. Winter brings a great deal of snow, but is not particularly harsh.

Furyondy both profits and suffers from the disposition of its neighbors. The alliance with friendly onetime satellite nations like Highfolk and Veluna balances the depredation suffered at the hands of Iuz and, until recently, the Horned Society. The Greyhawk Artur Fakartai at the Retaking of Grabford Wars changed the nation's borders; for several years, much of the northern provinces of Kalinstren and Crystalreach were occupied by Iuz.

War also brought about severe economic depression for the north, and a massive drain on the royal coffers. As a result, much of the king's wealth has been depleted. Much of the nationwide road system, once Furyondy's pride, lies in shambles unless supported by the wealth of local lords. This has had a deleterious effect upon the nation's economy, and trade is at an alarming low.

Though it suffered great losses in the Greyhawk Wars (582-584 CY) and the Great Northern Crusade (586-588 CY), and stands to lose even more to the newly declared eternal war against Iuz, Furyondy still boasts one of the most impressive standing armies in all the Flanaess. Augmented by war-hungry mercenaries and adventurers from distant lands, the full force of infantry and cavalry stand at about twenty thousand soldiers, with roughly the same number of warriors provided by local lords.

The Furyondian Royal Navy, based in Willip, patrols the Nyr Dyv, keeping the coasts (mostly) free of pirates and dangerous monsters. The Willip Arsenal, the largest dockyard in the Flanaess, has grown considerably in the last six years as the nation replaces dozens of lost ships.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government: Feudal monarchy, hereditary kingship (no current heir) limited by Noble Council

Capital: Chendl

Major Towns: Baranford (pop. 2,200), Caronis (3,000), Chendl (15,600), Crockport (3,400), Free Borough (3,100), Gorsend (5,200), Grabford (8,800), Greatwall (4,400), Kisail (2,300), Libernen (3,900), Littleberg (7,700), Pantarn (2,500), Redoubt (5,900) Willip (19,000)

Provinces: Eight major provinces ruled by hereditary nobility (the "Seven Families")

Resources: Foodstuffs, cloth, gold, wines, fish, shipbuilding supplies

Coinage: [Furyondy standard] paladin (pp), wheatsheaf (gp), knight (ep), sheridan (sp), common (cp)

Population: 1,481,800—Human 79% (Osbf), Elf 9% (sylvan 60%, high 40%), Halfling 5%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half orc 1%

Languages: Common, Velondi (far west), Elven, Halfling

Alignments: LG*, NG, LN

Religions: Heironeous, Rao, St. Cuthbert, Mayaheine, Zilchus, Trithereon, Fharlanghn, Beory

Allies: Veluna, Shield Lands, Highfolk, Ulek States, Verbobonc, Dyvers, Knights of the Hart

Enemies: Iuz, Scarlet Brotherhood, Rhennee (distrusted), Horned Society


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