Gearnat, Sea of

This heavily traveled body of water is divided into two parts: Woolly Bay on the west, and Relmor Bay on the east. Superb navigational charts exist for the whole area.

The Sea of Gearnat is a long, curved bay whose two ends have separate names: Woolly Bay on the west, and Relmor Bay on the east. Superb navigational charts exist for the whole area. The Gearnat was once known as the Sea of Yar, after a famed Suel explorer who proved to be an enemy of Aerdy expansion, hence the name change to honor the head of a Rauxes navigation school when the Great Kingdom came to rule here. The Gearnat is fed by three major rivers, two of which (the Selintan and the Nesser) allow shipping deep into the interior of the Flanaess, to the Nyr Dyv and beyond. The third river, the Harp, is little used at present for shipping, as it is the border between two potentially hostile states (Nyrond and Ahlissa).

The Gearnat is lashed by storms during the spring and autumn, and ships cross then at considerable risk. The Straits of Gearnat, between the Pomarj and Onnwal Peninsulas, are open to shipping despite pirates from the Orcish Empire and hostile Scarlet Brotherhood ships from Scant, which enforce the collection of a much-hated toll for safe passage (received by "neutral" Lordship representatives on anchored vessels). Numerous warships from Greyhawk, Safeton, Hardby, Nyrond, Irongate, Ahlissa, and other states patrol this region.

Sea of Gearnat / Relmor Bay


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