Shield Lands, Holy Realm of the

Ruled by Her Most Honorable Ladyship, Countess Katarina of Walworth, Knight Commander of the Shield Lands

The Shield Lands consisted of two dozen provinces of various size, stretching from the Ritensa River in the south to the Vigilant Highway, from Plague Fields to Alhaster (which joined the Bandit Kingdoms in 577 CY as part of Redhand). The nation's northern border has shifted throughout the centuries, but it was generally defined by the southern margins of the Rift Barrens.

The current nation, often referred to as the "New Shield Lands," encompasses only the 20-30 miles surrounding the city of Critwall and Scragholme Island, at the mouth of the Veng-Ritensa River. A keep on Scragholme Isle, Bright Sentry, guards a small bur growing port that bears the same name and serves as the island domain's local capital. The current government proclaims that the recapture of all lost lands is its primary goal, though fighting has ground to a virtual standstill within the last year.

The rest of the Shield Lands are under the administration of Iuz, through his agents in Admundfort, proclaimed a regional capital in 587 CY. The effectiveness of the rulership in Admundfort is questionable, as the island is currently besieged by the Furyondian navy and occasionally invaded by fanatical adventuring groups. The isle is thought to be defended entirely by orcs, who may have killed everyone else present. The current ruler is a Lesser Boneheart mage, Vayne (CE male human Wiz17), about whom little has been heard since the Great Northern Crusade. Tens of thousands of humans live in the occupied lands, eking out a horrible existence of slavery and degradation. Towns such as Axeport and Stahzer were completely leveled and depopulated.

Prior to the wars, the Shield Lands had established perhaps the most modern and well-cared-for system of roadways in the Flanaess. When armies overran the nation from the north and east, these roads helped to speed the land's downfall. Most roads remain in good condition, and are used by the forces of Iuz to ship goods to northern lands.

Government: Commonwealth of local lords ruled by highest ranking noble of Walworth Isle, who is also Knight Commander of local religious army

Capital: Critwall

Major Towns: Admundfort (pop. 5,000? [occupied by Iuz]), Bright Sentry (pop. 2,700; Scraghohme Island), Critwall (pop. 14,300 all other towns destroyed

Provinces: (Formerly) twenty-three petty noble domains on the mainland, ruled from Admundfort (the island was its own separate domain (now) two free domains (mainland area controlled from Critwall, and Scragholme Island), with the remainder of the land overrun but badly controlled by Iuz's forces

Resources: Livestock and foodstuffs in northern occupied lands, not exported; few resources in free lands

Coinage: Currently none, but a mint is being prepared; old coinage is used when found: knight (gp), axeman (ep), shield (sp), sheaf (cp)

Population: 27,000—Human 79% (Osf), Halfling 9%, Elf 5%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Halforc 1%

Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven

Alignments: LG* LN, CG

Religions: Heironeous*, St. Cuthbert, Mayaheine, Pholtus, Trithereon

Allies: Furyondy, Veluna, Verbobonc, Dyvers, Greyhawk, Duchy of Urnst, County of Urnst, Highfolk, church of Heironeous

Enemies: Iuz, all remaining forces of the Hierarchs of the Horned Society, all remaining forces of the Bandit Kingdoms; disliked greatly by Knights of the Hart


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