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Rise 01 - A Punch in the Face Report

General Summary

Our campaign starts with a bang, or a punch really. Literally!  

Chased like a Rabbit

Alehdra was punched in the face and knocked over. So there she was; sitting on the forest floor that she had called home for the last month or so surrounded by a trio of goblins. Each group had run into each other about 30 seconds before. The only problem was that to the goblins, it was a pleasant surprise; something to brighten their boring day. Here was a lonely elf in the woods, and it was time to play with their new found prey. The large goblin leader who rode upon a large grey wolf said something in their horrible goblin language causing the other two to laugh.   He then motioned to Alehdra with a wave of his hand to run. And boy did she run...for about 5 ft, then stumbled and fell (that's what a crappy athletics check gets you). The goblins, just laugh and not wanting their fun to end allow Alehdra to run away.   While running as fast as she can in the opposite direction (she was very pragmatic knowing that she was outnumbered and was not in a position to fight back yet) Alehdra remembers an old cabin nearby and makes a beeline to it looking for some type of safety. Alehdra runs into the tiny clearing where the old cabin is, only to see a strange bird man about a few dozen feet away. Alehdra does not take time to ponder that strange sight (or indeed really cares to talk to it) as she turns to face two of the goblins that came out of the forest behind her.    

Rudely Interrupted

Meanwhile, Talon has been enjoying a few days rest after traveling for months at a time; and now has been rudely interupted by some elf barging out of the forest. And for whatever reason she decided to bring goblins with her that seem hell bent on placing their weapons firmly in her body.  
Sheesh, Great.
— Talon
  Talon, having seen the old (hopefully) abandoned cabin from afar while riding the air currents thought it looked like a nice out of the way place to recharge since most of the folks around here have not really taking a liking to his looks, whatever. His frog familiar Gorf also thought that was a good idea ever since he was dropped a week ago when Talon decided to some decidedly stupid tricks (from Gorf's point of view) dozens of feet in the air.  
Agree I do, so dropped I do not get again.
— Gorf
  After confirming it was abandoned, Talon decided to make himself at home. He only had one night's rest before he was now rudely interupted by these interlopers into his home (nevermind he had only just shown up yesterday).   Without going into all the details, Talon decided to help Alehdra dispatch the two goblins, which did result in two dead goblins, which was to everybody's liking, except I guess the goblins. After that, the obigitory introductions were done (grudgingly) and they decided (independently) to relax and rest at the cabin.    

The Thing in the Basement

After slightly warming up to each other, Talon decided to go back to trying to open a trap door in the floor that he did not have chance to open it yet. Using a newly aquired spear from one of the goblins, Talon was able to pry it open (after hitting his face with the spear, which Alehdra thought was very funny). The trap door (along with a wooden ladder) lead to a dug out workshop about the same size as the storage room above, with earthen walls and floors. This workshop looked like it was dug out after the cabin was made as it used makeshift wooden supports for the ceiling and the walls. The floor was a mix of dirt and old floorboards strewn around haphazardly. In the corners was old wooden crates with various mundane implements in them. Central to the room was a table with tools, peices of metal, various wood peices along with many different sized gearing and other mechanical parts.   But the surprising thing was the very large mechanical clockwork automation covered in dirt and dust just sitting propped up on various crates in one corner!   This clockwork thing had it's arms hanging at it's side and it chin resting on it's chest. Speaking of it's chest, it was wide open and was full of gears, and pistons, and what looked like hoses. Sitting right in the center of all that was a space that looked like specifically designed to hold something. Obviously, Talon and Alehdra searched around the mustly basement to see if they could find what would go in that space in it's chest, eventually finding it.   It looked like an beautifully detailed egg, about a 1ft oval.
IronLore Heart.webp
It was put into the chest cavity and the door closed. They now waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Nothing happened.   Our intrepid couple decided to then see if they could find a switch or something to turn this thing on. Alehdra found a small hole in the neck about the size of her finger. She put her finger in and...suddenly both Talan (who was also touching the Clockwork at the time) and Alehdra felt a drain of their life force, with both of them getting weaker.   That is when IronLore raised his head and opened his eyes.  
Hello. Where am I?
— Ironlore
  After a startled Alehdra and Talon calmed down, a conversation took place. I won't go into details here, but the quick summary is: Ironlore is a clockwork created by priests of Heronious hundreds of years ago to protect them, people and the valor of Heronious. During one battle hundreds of years ago, he was attacked protecting some villagers and that is all he remembers right now. After a few minutes, they all made their way up the ladder into the main level of the old cabin to relax and rest. Because of his weight and size, the ladder was mostly destroyed as he made his way up.   When he came up, he was holding part of an old blade, broken about one foot from the pommel.
From my past.
— Ironlore
  The group then rested for a while in the cabin before deciding what to do next.  

Rudely Interrupted, Again!

Alehdra while resting, heard movement outside by the front of the cabin. Believing (correctly) that more trouble had come their way, the group decided to quietly leave out the back. All except Ironlorewho made a much noise as a drunken dwarf singing digging songs. Having heard the group make their way out back, they were set upon by goblins again rounding both sides of the cabin. This time it was the squad captain on his wolf on the eastern flank while another goblin came around the cabin from the west flank.   Having not used their most powerful spells yet (althought admittedly, in the grand scheme of things, those spells were pretty minor), they were; with the help of IronLore, able to dispatch their attackers once again.   And that is where we left our adventures, until next time.

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The Rise of Evil
Report Date
04 Jan 2023
Primary Location