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Shackled 07 - Jzadirune - Deeper into Jzadirune

General Summary

My business still continues to keep me away from the material plane, so I will continue to let you amuse yourself with musing of one of the crew. This is an excerpt from the journal of Naldon Amakiir...  

Into More Trouble, like Clockwork!

We are in this forest room, but we suspect the plants and trees might merely be illusions. Lysikor starts scouting again, finds a tunnel to the West, and then goes through the hallway in the North wall of this forest Room. We find a sixty foot hallway, and then there is another room that spreads East and West about half of the size of the forest room. Lysikor steps into the room and finds an illusionary wall, and a new friend.   There is a Construct standing next to the West corner. Lysikor tries hitting it with an arrow and misses, then runs back South past all other teammates in front of me telling us what he saw. The Clockwork Automation moves into the hallway following Lysikor, and attacks both Ragnarock and Lars, and does a little damage to both of them. Eolas using his holy power tries to Command the Automation to shutdown, but it doesn’t seem to understand or work on it. Lars then tries to hit it with an arrow, but with Clockwork only being five fee away, he ends up having his shot ruined as he just ends up trying to avoid being hit. The Clockwork again swipes at Lars as he tries to back away, but Lars is too agile and is able to withdraw. Lysikor fires his shortbow again; and this time his arrow flys true right into the internal gears, getting a critical hit. This does a significant amount of damage as the arrow is broken up by the gears of the machine driving peices deeper into the mechinisms, causing loud metalic sounds as continues to move.  
  Naldon the Great moves forward and throws a Fire Bolt at the construct, but the spell goes wide and helps Ragnarock with stray hairs on his forehead. The Clockwork also has ranged attacks, and fires Lightning Jolt at Skullgrin and Eolos, but it misses with both attacks, the electrical charge giving the room a suflur smell along small electrical charges coursing through everybody's hait. Skullgrin is pissed and runs up next the construct, and smashes it with his maul, giving it a solid hit, and totally messing up the internal workings. Ragnarock gets his chance at revenge, strikes with his great axe, but the metal skin turns his attack. Graye moves left to get a clear shot, and gets a critical hit with his arrow from his shortbow. The arrow jams the rest of the gears and workings and the Automation collapses to the flagstone floor.   We move up and examine the Clockwork Automation, and find nothing we can use. But we do see that this creation might have been using or even created the tunnels we have been finding. We then spread out in this odd middle room and find 2 areas that have an Invisibility Sphere effect to the East and West, with tunnels through the east and west walls. There was some confusion in the Invisibility areas, were Lysikor and Eolos find each other, but no loot here.    

Quid Pro Quo

We continue north with Lysikor back to scouting. The next room is a kitchen area with a lot of broken glass, and Lysikor checks it out, comes back to us and asks us to move closer as he saw hints of some creatures, and then goes back north through the west tunnel into the kitchen area to try to flank whatever is there. Ragnarock, Lars, and Skullgrin move to the door as Lysikor enters the kitchen again, and as Lysikor moves, there is a creature that appears in the East section, and a Darkness spell is cast into the room, blocking us at the South door from seeing anything inside the kitchen.   Lysikor is confronted by what looks like a very pale, larger, smarter version of the darklings. It is pointing a hand crossbow at Lysikor, but not attacking. SO Lysikor takes a complete gamble and Talks to it in Elvish. His name is Yuthub – a grey, elf-like creature. He and Lysikor chat, and Ragnarock moves into the darkness sphere, Completely failing to be stealthy, AND he farted. Yuthub tells the rest of us to stop moving, and he offers barter – Kill a creature and they don’t kill us. Lysikor counters with asking about the children that were taken, and He does know, he helped grab them and likely some of the others. He drops the name of the creature that hired them to take the surface people – Kazmojen! Yuthub is protected by 3 or 4 other darklings, so we agree that parley is the better part of valor.  
  In return for killing this creature that is their nemesis, Yuthub will guide us to where they took the children. We ask for details of the creature, and he says “a floating ball with tentacles hanging down.” We agree, after discussing the options, and we go down the next north hallway to the west. We find out the darklings strongly barricaded the door into the room that has this creature, Skullgrin and Ragnarock work together to pull it down so we can get access to the danger room. Lysikor and Naldon Find a side room and talk to another darkling, and find out there is not any other way around the barricade.   We get through the barricade and door, and then start searching this huge work area for this floating ball. We enter underneath a balcony, and there are a lot of work benches and crates around this level. Lars finds a spiral staircase and tries to sneak up it. The Creature, a Grell, sees him and starts attacking us. Skullgrin, Ragnarock, and Eolas all get up there to try getting nearer to this creature to save the ranger.  
  After a quick battle in which our crew dispatched the creature not knowing how close they came to death, they presented parts of it back to the darkling leader.   Skullgrin: “Yo bub, Did you order sushi?” And he holds up the 2 tentacles he pulled off from the Grell. Eolas translates it to Elvish. Yuthub agrees that we succeeded in ending the threat of the Grell, and he guides us all the way back to the entrance, turns a torch holder counter-clockwise 90 degrees, and a very secret door opened up on that entrance stairway.     After the battle, Lars searches the area and finds a few things on one of the desks in the workshop:
  • Dagger – Very Fine
  • 80 Copper
  • 32 Silver
  • 2 potion vials
  Now having a solid direction to finding the children, we head back up to the city, and head to church to rest and restore. Back at the capel, Jenya was able identify some of the things that were found down there. The two tourmalines were apprasied at 100 Gold each. She also identified the Ion stone as the sustenance stone, which stops the user from feeling hunger or thirst. The vials were also found to be an Invisibility and cure potions.   This ends the excerpt from the journal of Naldon Amakiir...

The Motley Crew

  • Eolas (Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert)
  • Lysikor Stickyfingers (Half-elf Rogue)
  • Lars Dino (Woodelf Ranger)
  • Naldon Amakiir (Eladrin Wizard)
  • Ragnarock (Human Barbarian)
  • Skullgrin Bonesnapper (Half-orc Fighter)
  • Graye Damyrus (Tiefling Druid)
The Shackled City
Naldon Amakiir
Report Date
27 Jun 2023