"Bladestorm," Headhunter

AC 3 (ring ofprotection +3, Dex 18 MV 12; C6/R6; hp 35; THACO 15; Dmg ld8 + 1 +va- riable (see below Str 16, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 12; SA +4 to hit vs. orcs; SD 30% sleep/charm resistant, hide in shadows 37%, move silently 47%; AL CG.

Spells: 4 lst, 3 Znd, 2 3rd (typically: bless, cure light wounds, detect evil, protection from evil; aid, silence 15’ radius, slow poison; contin- ual light, dispel magic.

Magical items: ring of protection +3, long sword + 1 (X 2), long sword of dancing, long bow + 1, amulet of mirror images (casts mirror image l/day), (B1)wand of enemy detection (38 charges).

Bladestorm is a half-elf who is 5‘ 3’’ tall, weighs 102 Ibs, and is 58 years of age (looking around 20 in human terms). She has honey- blond hair, large blue eyes, and a peaches-and- cream complexion, and attracts the amorous attentions of many males. She also commands the respect of the Narwell Headhunters, among whom she is a freewheeling, almost autonomous member. She will almost always pursue a quarry alone, using her light warhorse stallion Ziptarah when she must cross long distances.

Bladestorm is an impetuous, hot-headed half- elf as befits a cleric of Trithereon. No one is sure why she emerged from the Welkwood last year (584 CY) to offer her services to the Headhunters. Some say it was to avenge her human father, murdered by bandits raiding west of Narwell. The Greyhawk militia smilingly offered her an impossible task, that of bringing back a dozen bandits known to be well equipped, who had been a thorn in Narwell's side for years. Two weeks later, she came back with their heads. She's been taken very seriously since.

Bladestorm prefers not to capture people alive, but she has a ready supply of paralyzing venoms for coating her arrows and blades should this be required. Sometimes, her formidable appearance alone can shock people into surrender; she fights two-handed with a pair of long swords, flinging one into the air to fight as a dancing sword, drawing yet a third, and dexterously flipping that back into its scabbard to receive the returning dancing sword when necessary. Multiply this with the effects of a mirror image spell from her amulet, and one can see why she is called Bladestorm. One demure little half-elf maid becomes a whirring mass of swords, and many surrender on the spot.

If proficiencies are used, Bladestorm has the following nonweapon proficiencies: Animal Lore, Direction Sense, Herbalism, Local History (Welkwood and Gnarley Forest), Riding (horse), Rope Use, Running, Set Snares, Tracking, Weather Sense.


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