Port Elder

Baron Pamdarn's youthfulness shows itself in the relative laxity of application of laws here. If a traveler seeks the riotous, swashbuckling seaport of the isles, this is where to find it. Port Elder is a relatively open port, though any of Suel appearance are carefully watched by the naval militia, which is known as the Black and Golds on account of their uniforms. The Lordship of the Isles, and its Suel masters of the Scarlet Brotherhood, are too close for comfort here.

Pamdarn's Admiral of the Squadrons, Yendrenn Harquil, is a dashing and charismatic figure about town. His galleon, the Seawolf, bears Yendrenn's own symbol (a seawolf, unsurprisingly) on its sails rather than the sea serpent which almost all other Sea Barons vessels display. With his sallow-faced mage Rhennen aboard to give aid with airy water, telekinesis and other such spells, Yendrenn specializes in the discovery and looting of sunken wrecks, of which there are several south of Fairisle and on the eastern seaboards of all the islands.

Yendrenn is always eager to learn of such wrecks, if a diviner, bard, or sage knows of any such—and he agrees on a share of the booty recovered with his source. Though chaotic, he always holds to his word in such dealings. His recent recovery of nearly 40,000 gp worth of pearls and ingots of precious metal from the hulk of a Duxchan ship sunk in 515 CY has brought him fame.

Port Elder's city walls are being strengthened, given the threats to the south. From somewhere—no one is sure quite where—Pamdarn has managed to import a half dozen stone giants who are busy at work. Since none on the islands speaks stone giant (save for Rhennen), and the stone giants don't converse in Common, there are all kinds of wild tales flying around about them, with some saying that they are fiends in giant form and that Pamdarn has sold his soul to some Lord of the Hells or the Abyss. Few worry about such matters, however; since the repulsing of the pirate raids on the city some years ago, people feel more secure behind strengthened city walls and don't much care who builds them so long as they get built.


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