Powers of Humankind in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Powers of Humankind

Deities are divided into four groups: greater, intermediate, lesser, and demipowers. The basis of this broad distinction is as follows:

Greater Powers: These are distant Powers, far removed from most mortal affairs. Some may be held to be among the Creator Powers of the multiverse or of Oerth. They typically have many spheres of concern, or are absolute masters of just one sphere.

Intermediate Powers: While lacking the great creative force of Greater Powers, they are still very powerful and hold major sway over one or two spheres of concern. In some nations, they may be held as patron Powers, even above a Greater Power.

Lesser Power: A lesser Power may serve greater ones as a messenger or aide, may be a cast-out or solitary Power, or may hold sway over a very narrow sphere of concern. Some Lesser Powers may be declining from exalted status or may be ascending to greater force.

Demipowers: These are the least powerful and are in many ways similar to Lesser Powers. Some may be mortals who have undergone divine ascension (Zagig and Mayaheine being prime examples). Some may even be referred to as Hero Powers.


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