Relations Between Powers in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Relations Between Powers

In the entries above, some mention has been made of relations between Powers and their priests (such as the enmity between Pholtus and St. Cuthbert). The most important allegiances and oppositions obviously have great impact when priests deal with each other (and when other followers meet). Interpret the guidelines that follow according to the situations; priests of St. Cuthbert may detest those of Pholtus, but if a priest of St. Cuthbert finds himself in the Theocracy of the Pale, he isn't going to announce this loudly. Also, there will be individual differences. Just because priests of Rao and Zilchus generally get on well, this doesn't mean they all do. If you're a young priest of Rao and a lively priest of Zilchus became engaged to your sister and left her standing at the altar, you're not going to like him much.

Priests of Beory are well disposed to those of Ehlonna and Ulaa. Priests of Incabulos and Nerull have a wary respect for each other, but don't cooperate unless faced with a common enemy of good. Priests of Boccob and Istus tend to have cool, formal relations with all other priests. Priests of Pelor and Mayaheine are on excellent terms; the latter defer to the former, just as Mayaheine serves Pelor. Pelor's priests have warm relations with those of Rao, and in turn, Rao's priests have warm relations with those of Zilchus. There is some chiding between them, for Rao's priests say that Zilchus's priests are too materialistic; Zilchus's priests say that Rao's followers are too idealistic. But there is a genuine liking by each for the other.

Celestian and Fharlanghn, being brothers, have priests who actively aid each other and cooperate extensively. Heironeous and Hextor are likewise brothers, but there is deep hatred between them and a priest of one of these Powers will seek to slay a priest of the other Power whenever he meets him (even if the odds are stacked against success). Pholtus and St. Cuthbert likewise have enmity, and their priests strive to diminish the influence of the other cult; but, since both Powers are strongly Lawful, underhanded means are not acceptable. They will work together against evil and chaos if they must.

Ehlonna and Obad-Hai are rivals, although their druids and priests tend to live in very different areas. The priests are cool and formally polite to each other rather than hostile. Ehlonna is the Power who has the best relations with the elven Seldarine (see below). Trithereon is a law unto himself and his priests care little for the attitudes of others. They are suspicious of lawful priests, even if lawful good.

Olidammara's priesthood is a group of prank sters who love making lawful, stuck-up, pompous priests look foolish. They have no true enmities, simply a liking for making everyone realize that life is too important to take seriously. Priests of Heironeous are uncertain about Mayaheine's cult, since its precepts are similar to their own, but the prevailing view is that Heironeous is a battle god and Mayaheine is a protector, so the roles fit together.

Hextor's priesthood is a hateful one which has no respect for any other. Priests of Iuz are feared by all, and opposed by all other evil priesthoods. The very mention of Tharizdun is enough to make any priest of another Power shudder.

Other priesthoods tend to be indifferent to others because their Power has very specific areas of concern (such as Procan or Kord).


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