Symbols and Glyphs of the Flanaess in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Symbols and Glyphs of the Flanaess

An assortment of standard symbols, runes, and sigils has evolved almost as a pictorial analog of the Common tongue. There are times when a few inscriptions can convey as much information as a hundred or more words, and when speed is of the essence, leaving such a sign to alert the unwary can save lives and souls. Wizards, sages, rangers marking the woodlands, dwarves etching stone, and many others have contributed to this picture-language over the centuries.

The most common and important of these symbols and signs are depicted here. Of course, individual secret societies and cults, sages, and wizards have their own marks and runes far too numerous to list here. The curious reader should travel to the University of Greyhawk Library and consult Zagig Yragerne's Runic Mysteries Revealed, or, more reliably, Jawal Severnain's Compendium of Signs Magical and Mundane for further details.


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