13. Kaltek's Bedchamber

This is another room, posh far beyond its surroundings, that displays Warden Werrn's taste for luxury. A huge feather bed, covered with layer upon layer of silken coverlet , assures him a good night's rest.

A tall wardrobe lining the far wall of the room contains more than 50 outfits, uniforms resplendent with braid and ribbon, satin finery for many nights of clubbing in the High Quarter, and more mundane working uniforms of stiff leather.

The warden also keeps a large supply of boots and moccasins here, sized slightly larger than the average human male foot. Among the two dozen pair are hunting boots, winter boots, slippers, and a plain leather pair of shoes that are actually boots of speed.

Several wigs stand upon busts before the huge, mirrored vanity. An array of powders and mascaras help Kaltek to look his best whenever he leaves the prison. Several vials of cologne are also visible. All of them are normal, except for one that contains a sticky, foul-smelling oil (see room 16 description).


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