17. The Redoubt GC6

This bastion is the ultimate line of defense in a battle for Greyhawk City-not that such a battle is conceivable to the current residents of that fair city. The building enjoys far more ornate and grandiose architecture than do the Prison and Blockhouse. Entry can be gained through any of three pairs of doors, but all of these have been designed to withstand the pounding of a heavy ram.

The two doors on the south side of the building are each manned by a detachment of two guards. These doors are used for all official comings and goings.

Four men-at-arms, commanded by a deputy sergeant, watch the door in the north wall. This door is never opened to admit anyone from the outside, and only rarely used by some official who, with the approval of Sental or Derider, wishes to leave the Redoubt unobserved.

The ubiquitous row of arrow sills lines the top of the building, and this roof also is protected by a parapet.

In the daily routine of the city, the Redoubt serves as the offices of the Captain-General of the Watch and the City Constable. In addition. the largest single garrison of the watch stays here between shifts of duty.

But the Redoubt is designed as a fortress witthin a fortress. Its defense could be conducted floor by floor, if necessary, until the last defenders sealed themselves in the bunker beneath it.

GC6: Redoubt. This is a two-story fortress within a fortress, Aside from serving as a Watch garrison, the Redoubt holds the offices of the 46-year-old Captain-General of the Watch, Tigran Gellner [LN hm F10; hp 57; Str 17, Dex 15, Int 17, Cha 15; many magical items] and the 52-year-old City Constable, Derider Fanshen [NG hf C13 — Pelor; hp 51; Dex 4, Con 15, Wis 18, Cha 16; staff of striking, ring of protection +2]. Constable Fanshen plans to retire in 592 Cy but has not named her replacement. The City Vault (GC7) is within the Redoubt. This ornately decorated bastion has three outer doors, one of which opens into the Citadel Stables (GC8). The City Vault holds all taxes collected by the government and some additional magical devices. The vault, greatly enchanted and defended to withstand a city full of thieves and mages, is not a target of the city’s Thieves’ Guild, since the guild’s donations to the city’s coffers are also kept within. The guild will hunt down anyone who breaks into the vault, and it discourages plots against it in various brutal ways.

DMs Notes: A bunker is said to lie beneath the Redoubt, with rumors that a tunnel leads from here to the High Quarter. Those in the know say it actually goes to the Wizards’ Guildhall (H13), and it is defended almost entirely by spells and nonliving re Mead y sentinels, Wizards use the tunnel to enter the Citadel without being seen or wasting a spell ot ats ee x for the trip. The existence of a second tunnel heading north into North Hills Park is : ite ‘ sor unproved (but it does exist), A third tunnel exists but is completely unsuspected (see H14),


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