19. City Vault Room

One of the primary functions of the Citadel is to serve as a repository for the often considerable funds stored in the official Treasury of the Free City of Greyhawk. To this end, the heart of the Redoubt has been converted into a vault designed to remain secure in a city full of thieves and mages.

Room 19 appears to be a large, C-shaped corridor, for the vault occupies the greater part of the chamber. The rest of the area is occupied at all times by an elite patrol of the watch, stationed so that all three lengths of the room are under constant observation. These guards are assisted by a pair of war dogs, trained to be alert for the slightest untoward sound on the vault side of the room.

The door from the entry hall can only be opened on the inside. and requires a password-" Alabaster Shadows" -that is known to all sergeants-at-arms and higher ranking officials of the Citadel.

The vault itself is opened with an intricate combination of dials, levers, switches, and gears. The precise combination is known in two parts, by Sental Nurev the Captain-General, and Glodreddi Bakkanin, Inspector of Taxes. Both men must be present for the combination to work.

The odds of stumbling on the combination by trial and error are roughly equivalent to the odds of rolling four consecutive d10s and having them all result in 10s. You might allow PCs to try, but each attempt takes a full tum.

The walls within room 19 are also enchanted, at 30-foot intervals, with magic mouth spells designed to raise a tremendous hue and cry should anything go amiss.


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