23. Office of the Captain-General

The entry to Sental Nurev's office is similar to that of Derider's, except that Sental always has two men-at-arms and a sergeant-at-arms posted without.

He never receives visitors except by appointment, or if the sergeant tells him of a visitor with a compellmg reason for a meeting-evidence of treachery among the Directors, for example.

The guards wait in the reception room. The sergeant-at-arms knows of the secret door in this room, the only access to the underground fortress below the Redoubt.

Sental occupies his office 80% of the daylight hours, the rest of the time he is out inspecting the various garrisons of the City Watch or the defenses of the city. He spends his evenings at home with his wife, except when called away for surreptitious business.

The office contains a large clear area where Sental engages in weapons practice with some of the highest-ranked in structors in the city.

He also has a large desk, a cabinet contaming roster information on the City Watch, diagrams of the city defensive works, and a map of the sewer network as accurate as officialdom can be.

Sental has a well-furnished bar and several comfortable chairs before a large fireplace. However, though he used to entertain visitors with gusto, his current difficulties have turned him to brooding. Now he jealously guards his privacy, and seeks a quick end to any interview.

For more information on Sental, see Ch2 FFF of this set, and the GREYHAWK Adventures hardcover book.

Hanging on the wall behind Sental's desk are his mancatcher + 3 and his halberd + 1. Below these weapons, innocuously cloaked, rests his shield with the symbol of hopelessness upon the front. On more than one occasion he has virtually disabled unruly visitors simply by whisking the cloak away.

A secret drawer, located below tile bottom drawer in his desk, contains several emergency supplies: two platinum plates, 20 gold orbs , and a flask containing a potion of gaseous form.


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