3. Citadel Towers

Square and blockish, the towers nonetheless convey an air of grace as they reach above the surrounding fortress and the city beyond. The broad square of each base, fully 50 feet on a side, balances the impressive 70-foot height of the tower. Narrow arrow slits glower ominously from each face of stone, frowning a warning at all who approach the great castle.

The walls of each tower are ten feet thick. There is one door at ground level leading to the hollow intenor of each tower. A stairway winds about the circumference of the tower's inside walls, leading to platforms 45 feet off of the ground. Each platform connects to a door leading onto the top of the wall in each direction.

The stairway continues on, finally leading to a trap door on the roof. The top of the tower is surrounded by the familiar five-foot parapet.

Each tower is garrisoned by a standard patrol of the watch. Two members of the patrol are stationed inside the tower, on the ground level. (This is considered comfortable duty by the guards, since their only duties involve opening the tower doors for the occasional passerby.) The rest of the watch is stationed atop the tower.


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