A2: Metalsmiths’ Hall.

A2: Metalsmiths’ Hall. This large workshop is the headquarters for two guilds of metalsmiths that formed after the breakup of a much larger guild during the late 580s. Little actual smithywork is done here; this two-story building instead has meeting rooms, accounting files, a small alchemical laboratory for assaying ore, guildmaster offices, and displays showing off the finest work of these guilds.

The first floor has the offices of the United Guild of Blacksmiths, Armorers, Shieldmakers, and Ironworkers. The second floor is for both the Federation of Smiths of Pragmatic Metals and Alloys (the “Coppersmiths’ Guild,” which handles nonferrous alloys like bronze, pewter, and brass, and metals like tin, lead, and copper) and the Guild of Weaponsmiths. Despite their ferocious conflicts a few years ago, the guilds get along reasonably well now, as calls for their services do not much overlap. The blacksmiths’ guildmaster is Jaskar Smithson [N hm C4 — Jascar; hp 21; Str 17; warhammer +3]; the guildmaster of the coppersmiths is Basher Grundig [LN gm F6; hp 35; Str 16, Cha 15]; the guildmaster of the weaponsmiths is Ottin Thundercleaver [LG dm F4; hp 34; Str 18 /02, Int 16; battle axe +3].

From Adventure Begins

DMs Notes: All metalsmithing guilds constantly search for new methods of refining ores and new sources of ore. Unusual metal sources, such as a meteorite crater, a new dwarf-built mine, and the like will gain their interest at once. These guilds try to avoid a reliance on magic in their work, but a magic-powered furnace is being tested; other cities and countries might wish to get their hands on this item. Extremely precious metals like mithral and adamantite are sometimes used by the Blacksmiths’ Guild (as it is usually called), which has stockpiles of metal bars in the Vault at the Grand Citadel (GC7) and at the City Mint (C7 a few bars are kept here, however.


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