A3: City Watch Station

This is the outpost of the City Watch in the Artisans' Quarter. See Ch2 FFF for details of its garrison.

A3: Artisans’ Quarter City Watch Station. This City Watch station seems to have little to occupy it besides patrolling this peaceful quarter and breaking up drunken street brawls at night. The Watch guards are relaxed and calm, most of them long-time residents of this quarter, and moderate drinking on the job is not considered a crime. They are very suspicious of strangers but are polite and straightforward. Many guards here served as soldiers in the Greyhawk Militia, and they are very patriotic. The Station Captain is Nellisir Avanson [LG hm F6; hp 44; Str 16, Wis 16, Con 16; long sword +2].

DM's Notes: This station is a hotbed of plotting against the Thieves’ Guild, which the officers of this station regard as their worst enemy. A former member of the guild spilled some of the thieves’ secrets and plots against businesses in this quarter before he was assassinated a few years ago, and the Watch has successfully used this information to spy on some thieves at their meeting places here. A power struggle is shaping up between the Watch and the thieves, who operate a large protection racket here. Some guilds are secretly working with the Watch to free themselves from this extortion, and the Nightwatchmen’s Guild may join in (see AQ). Blood is sure to be spilled, and lots of it.


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