A4: Guildhall of the Carpenters

This large building runs the entire length of a city block, rising above all neighboring structures as if to announce the mastery of its residents, the carpenters of the Free City. It is made, naturally, entirely of wood.

An ornamentally carved facade frames each of the building's three stories. The shutters, doors, and trim wood all show the attentions of skilled carvers.

The interior is no disappointment. Like the architects, the carpenters maintain a museum open to the public, occupying the entire ground floor of the hall. The museum here serves as a classroom for apprentices as well. Its displays include examples of the carpenter's tools, diagrams of their use, and examples of finished work. The museum is a loose circle of interconnecting rooms. and each room is done with a different type of wood, in a different style.

The middle floor of the guildhall is the social center and meeting area, similar in most respects to the second floor of A1. The upper level of the carpenters' hall. however, contains a dormitory and class room. Here up to 12 apprentices live, working on crews for various master carpenters during the day, and studying techniques by night.

A4: Carpenters’ Guildhall. A huge, rambling wooden building three stories high marks the headquarters of the Guild of Carpenters, stretching along the southern half of Brick Lane. The building is admittedly wondrous to view for the great detail of its exterior, though it does seem overdone. The first floor is a combination of a public museum, woodworking shop, and apprentice-training classroom. The second floor has meeting rooms and a small bar, with a library of building plans and an extensive collection of different types of wood from around the Flanaess. The top floor has a dormitory for advanced apprentices as well as their workshop, with offices for the guildmaster, Paks Tetos [N 1/2em F3; hp 12; Dex 17].

DM's Notes: Paks Teros wants to expand lumbering operations m the eastern edge of the Gnarley Forest, but he is frustrated by humanoid attacks made on his woodcutters and loggers. The humanoids seem to be coming from the much-rumored Blackthorn caverns. Teros wants to hire a group to find of the Gnarley Forest are angry because the loggers kill game, destroy trees, and convert the cleared land into farms. Eventually, the Gnarley Forest would vanish. This struggle between Greyhawk and the elves is an old one, but the huge influx of immigrants into Greyhawk’s domain in the last decade has put great pressure on the city to expand its outlying villages and farmlands. There is little room to compromise.

the exact location of Blackthorn, so he can pass the information to the Directing Oligarchy and demand the place be cleared out by the Greyhawk Militia. Orcs and ogres aren't his only problem, however. The elves


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