A8: New City Fountains

A8: New City Fountains. When the New City walls were being built, an underground stream was discovered at this site. A work crew was detailed to build a pool here for the neighborhood forming outside the Black Wall, and several young guilds pitched in to build a very attractive group of stone and metal fountains in the middle of the pool. The pool itself is square, 75 feet across, and only 2 feet deep. It is surrounded by a stone-paved walkway and a 1-foot-high, 1-foot wide lip. The fountains can pump spray as high as 30 feet; spells were added to the fountains to make them sun-activated, so the fountains start up on clear daysbut shut down during cloudy periods and at night. Coins tossed into the fountain for luck are collected by local priests of Bleredd and Ulaa, to be used for charitable work for the families of members of the Guild of Architects and Stonemasons.

From Adventure Begins

DM's Notes: Anyone caught stealing from the fountain is roundly beaten by enraged locals, then stripped naked and chased off. Professional thieves don’t find the fountain worth their time or talents, and so ignore it.


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