A9: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation

A9: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation. The Nightwatchmen here have a lot of work to do because of the many businesses around. Their major problem lies in protecting businesses that refuse to pay protection money to the Thieves’ Guild, leading to a great deal of hatred between the Nightwatchmen and the thieves. This guildstation is quite large and well fortified; the building was secretly purchased by wealthy members of St. Cuthbert’s church and donated to the guild, as part of a broad effort to strengthen the forces of law and order in the city. The Nightwatchmen here have heard rumors about an increase in evilcult activity in the Old City, and they look upon themselves as the gatekeepers of the Artisans’ Quarter, protecting it from influences coming through the Black Gate from the (as they see it) hopelessly corrupt Old City.

From Adventure Begins

DM's Notes: The Nightwatchmen have been in contact with the City Watch station here (A3) and are considering joining the Watch in a small crusade to drive the Thieves’ Guild out of this quarter, lending the backing of St. Cuthbert’s church to the conflict. The Directing Oligarchy is not fully aware of the dimensions of this trouble and so has done nothing about it yet. The Thieves’ Guild is trying to infiltrate or spy on the Nightwatchmen to find out what they are planning, but little has been learned so far. This conflict has great potential to boil over into a savage street war.


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