Agarat Esiassen Priest of Incabulos

Agarat is 6'0" tall, weighs 172 lbs., and has black hair, olive skin, and deep brown eyes. His left eye has a notable opaque occlusion of the cornea which slightly (but only slightly) obscures his vision (it does not affect his reactions in any way). He dresses in very ordinary merchant's clothes-brown robe and plain britches and boots. When he is on one of his nighttime missions, he will always be wearing his gauntlets of ogre power (adjust attack and damage capabilities accordingly). The serpentine owl is useful as an aid to nighttime vision and for spying on graveyards prior to conducting his wretched business therein. He is accompanied on his robberies by four members of the Embalmers' and Gravediggers' Union, and by a junior priest of Incabulos who happens to be a female hobgoblin (described below).

The four union members are 2nd level fighters, each armored in leather and carrying daggers, shovels, and pickaxe handles in case of trouble (treat as clubs; THACO 19 due to Strength, damage 1d6 + 1). Each of these men has 2d10 +4 hit points due to high Con. Two are neutral evil, the other two chaotic evil. They are paid 10 gp per mission (by Agarat if animating zombies, else by Selczek, the Guildmaster).

The junior acolyte always stays on Agarat's ship at the docks except during this nocturnal activity, when she walks with a cowl tightly drawn about her to conceal her features.

AC 3 (chain mail +2 worn under robes MV 12; Pr9 ; hp 55; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 + 1 (quarterstaff + 1, +3 versus lawful good Str 13 (18/00 with gauntlets; see below). Dex 8, Con 15, lnt 10, Wis 18, Cha 7; SA hypnotism spell as 7th level wizard once per day, permanent sleep spell once per day; SD 36% immunity to diseases and slimes; AL CE.

Spells: 6 1st, 6 2nd, 4 3rd, 3 4th, and 1 5th.

Spells usually memorized: curse (reverse of bless), cause light wounds ( x 3), darkness, sanctuary, hold person ( x 4), silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer. animate dead ( x 3), continual darkness, cloak of fear, poison, protection from good 10' radius, slay living.

Magical items: chain mail + 2; quarter staff+ 1, +3 vs. lawful good; gauntlets of ogre power, figurine of wondrous power (serpentine owl), and a scroll containing the spells continual darkness, dispel magic, spell immunity, and cause blindness.


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