
You can cast this spell on an object or area to sound an alert when anyone without the proper password passes through the area or touches the object. Of course, if you use this in a high-traffic area, it will go off all the time and drive you nuts.

Just having the alarm in place, isn’t enough. You must have a plan to respond to it quickly. Permanent alarms cast around the outside of a building or on the roof can help alert your guards to intruders. After that, the guards must still respond.

Permanent alarms are great for placing in or around treasure vaults or other particularly sensitive or valuable areas. Some characters place mental alarms around their bedchamber to awaken them instantly the moment an intruder arrives.

Casting: 10 gp (Sor1 or Wiz1) or 20 gp (Brd2)

Permanent: 2,950 gp (9th)


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