
Started with a Town Square and Monument.

Redhand's capital is at Alhaster, but Zeech must report to the clerics of Iuz at Balmund, which he hates. Deadly conflicts between "Reyhu" orcs in the north and Redhand humans in the south are becoming common. Now that most of the Old One's demonic officers are gone from the land, many believe Zeech and his men are set for a rebellion. Word of this surely has reached Dorakaa, and all eyes watch the debased prince with grotesque curiosity, guessing at his fate should he defy Iuz. Zeech would get no help elsewhere, as he is greatly hated in Urnst and Furyondy.

Redhand formally broke with the Shield Lands in CY 577, betraying the nation to the Horned Society and becoming one of that nation’s most powerful allies. In 579 CY, the Shield Lands were invaded by the Horned Society. As city after city fell, Prince Zeech and his forces stood neutral by the sidelines. For this, he has never been forgiven by the Shield Landers. The Church of Hextor rose to prominence inside the new monarchy, supported in part by Prince Zeech, himself a dedicated priest of the war god.

Alhaster is a Monarchy. It does have a Royal Bloodline

Alhaster has the Feature -- Grace's Benevolence.

Feature -- You earn 1XP when you fail a Negotiation Check


Level of Governement is 1

Race is Human

Population score is 30 (+10)

Economy score is 30 (+10)

Oder score is 30 (+10)

Magic score is 11

Culture score is 30 (+10)

Diplomacy score is 11


Stability dice is 2d8

Currently 18 stability points

Gold in treasury is 32(000)gp

Skills are Construction, Negotiation, Administration, Influence

Currently there are 8 resources within 18 capacity

30 points to next experience level


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