Almerin Skiari, Ambassador of Keoland

Almerin is 47 years old, 6 feet tall, 203 Ibs. (running to fat), and has black hair (thinning at the crown and greying at the temples) and a well- trimmed full beard (grey-flecked). He favors slightly flashy yellow or bright blue robes and cloaks, and silk shirts (that don't flatter his   paunch). He is a 7th-level LN fighter (Str 17, Int 17, Cha 15).

The Ambassador for Keoland feels somewhat marginal in the Free City. Keoland's main concerns are with the Lost Lands, Ket and the Sea Princes, none of which have ambassadors in Greyhawk, and none of which are within a thousand miles or so of it. What's more, other diplomats don't bother much with Almerin, enhancing his sense of unimportance. Consequently, Almerin tends to drink a lot in the company of his bodyguards (four 7th-level warriors and a 5th- level specialist Diviner). A steady stream of ladies of dubious virtue head for his ambassadorial residence. His company is fine, as long as one enjoys the company of an egotistical, chauvinistic bore.

Almerin is a prime target for blackmail (his indulgences might get more depraved) and intrigue (he is careless and his home could be burgled). He has information pertaining to Keolandish concerns to the west, but nothing of major current importance.


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