Amadeus Wolfzart Director of the Opera

Wolfzart is 41 years old, 5'11", 176 lbs., with grey hair balding at the crown and brown eyes. He dresses rather ostentatiously in long, thick, purple and gold robes, and is affected in speech and manner. He absolutely grovels at the sight of nobility. He administers the Royal Opera and directs its productions, but leaves the afternoon entertainments to the direction of his "personal secretary," Selmund Rogerssen.

Selmund (AC 10, NM, hp 3) dresses in even more ostentatious clothing than Wolfzart's and is frightfully jolly and sociable. He takes the standard line of the scoundrel that his nasty little productions are just "giving the public what they want," and will happily regale anyone with his plans for even more tasteless ventures in the near future.

The staff at the Royal Opera consists of 21 singers, 10 stage hands (5 of whom can manage to sing in the chorus without disgracing themselves), and the one reason why the place has not gone wholly bankrupt- Aestrella Shanfarel, Grand Diva of the opera. She is detailed fully in Chapter 7. All of the other staff members are normal men and women, with no special skills other than being able to sing well or do their jobs as stage hands adequately.

AC 9; MV 12; NM; hp 5; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d2 (fist) or 1d4 (dagger Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14; AL N.


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