Andrade Mirrius Patriarch of Nerull Version II:14th level priest

Andrade 's age here obviously depends on the number of years taken in game terms to attain this level. If he is still in Greyhawk, he will be owner of the Pit, but he will have expanded his influence. Exactly how he does this depends on how play has been going in Greyhawk, but suggestions include: killing the priests of lncabulos and taking over the zombie smuggling racket to the Pomarj with Zoran Sarraith in his pay; exercising con trol over merchant Directors through blackmail, kidnap (similar to Sental Nurev's fate), having a separate "front" with his hat of disguise (e.g., fronting as a non-native merchant), and so on.

It is suggested that Andrade should now have become the Horned Society's most senior spy in Greyhawk , and he may work with otherworldly denizens of Nerull (which can appear aboveground in polymorphed form) hidden below the city to spread the influence of the Cult of the Shriven Sickle or that of the Hierarchs. If he is no longer in Greyhawk (for instance, because the cult has been destroyed and Andrade escaped), he will be a senior Hierarch stationed in Admundfort or elsewhere, and still able to visit Greyhawk and move about undetected with the aid of the magical hat.

AC 0 (bracers of defense AC 3, cloak of protection +3 MV 12; Pr14; hp 66; THACO 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +5 (sickle + 3) or ld4 + 2 and special (staff of withering Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 15; AL NE.

Spells: 8 1st, 8 2nd, 7 3rd, 6 4th, 3 5th, 2 6th, and 1 7th.

Spells usually memorized : command, curse (reverse bless), darkness ( x 4), protection from good, fear, aid, augury, hold person ( x 3), know alignment, silence 15' radius ( x 2), animate dead ( x 2), continual darkness, dispel magic ( x 2), glyph of warding, prayer, cloak of fear, cure serious wounds, poison ( x 2), spell immunity (usually cast against magic missile), sticks to snakes, flame strike, slay living ( x 2), blade barrier, heal, fire storm.

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 3, cloak of protection + 3, sickle + 3, staff of withering, amulet of proof against detection and location, chime of hunger, dust of tracelessness, gem of seeing, hat of disguise, necklace of adaptation, neck lace of missiles (1 x 9HD, 2 x 7HD, 1 x 8HD), ring of free action, ring of spell storing (invisible stalker, mind blank, power word stun, teleport with out error) , and wings of Dying.


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