Andrade Mirrius Patriarch of Nerull Version III: 18th level priest

lf Andrade is still in Greyhawk, then he will have very extensive influence. Through blackmail and terror. he will have many Directors in his pockets, and he will have had assassins from Molag kill (or try to kill) others, attempting to replace them with further pawns. He will have cat's-paws controlling the Union of Sewermen and Streetsweepers, and the Embalmers' and Gravediggers' Guild, at the least, so as to raise below the city an undead army which will rise up and lay waste to the place.

NPCs such as the Shapechangers (some or all), Glodreddi Bakkanin and other evil folk may be in alliance with him, although they may know little of his plans. Andrade's secrecy will ensure that one of his servants may know nothing of the others working with him to a common goal. He may well have disappeared from pubic view. At this stage, PCs against Andrade means PCs trying to save Greyhawk.

If Andrade has been exiled or fled he will be a senior Hierarch in Molag, and will arrange for the PCs to be persecuted by a stream of enemies such as assassins, agents from the Bandit Kingdoms in his pay (if the campaign keeps the Horned Society and the bandits in alliance-it is not an easy one to keep!), and ultimately the most powerful evil creatures (dragons, giants, etc.) that Andrade can control and command. Only by killing him-which may mean heading for Molag or tricking Andrade out of that infernal city-will the PCs be able to put a stop to his evil plans!

AC 0/-2 (bracers of defense AC 3, doak of protection + 3; boots of speed MV 12; Prl8; hp 74; THACO 10; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 +6 or ld4 +8 (sickle +4, +6 vs. neutral good (paralyzes NG for 2d4 rounds on contact, normal save Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 15; AL NE.

Spells: 10 1st, 10 2nd, 9 3rd, 9 4th, 6 5th, 4 6th, and 2 7th.

Spells usually memorized: command, curse (reverse bless), darkness ( x 4), detect good ( x 2), detect magic, protec tion from good, fear, aid, augury, hold person ( x 3), know alignment, silence 15' radius ( x 2), slow poison, animate dead ( x 2), bestow curse, continual darkness, dispel magic ( x 2), glyph of warding, prayer, cloak of fear, cause serious wounds ( x 2), cure serious wounds ( x 2), poison ( x 2), spell immunity (usually cast against magic missile), sticks to snakes, dispel good ( x 2), flame strike ( x 2), slay living ( x 3), blade barrier, conjure animals, heal, harm, destruction , fire storm.

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 3, cloak of protection + 3. boots of speed; sickle +4, +6 vs. neutral good: amulet of proof against detection and location, brooch of shielding, gloves of missile snaring, hat of dsguise, horn of blasung, necklace of adaptation, oil of elemental invulnerability (all), ring of free action, stone of controlling earth elemen tals (1/day), and wand of steam and vapor.


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