The typical arcane organization is dedicated to the acquisition of knowledge, and often to the study of a particular phenomenon or related group of phenomena. Some strive to understand creatures of a particular type or origin (such as fi ends or aberrations), while others are devoted to discovering new or long-forgotten magical rites and artifacts. The various members of a given arcane guild (see page 87) might belong to a number of different arcane organizations, though few individuals claim membership in more than one. Passion, loyalty, and interest in the organization’s charter topic are the main factors in acceptance. A largely unqualified member with a passion for the given topic could receive greater consideration than a qualifi ed member with little interest in pursuing the group’s goal.

Examples: The Arcane Order, the Circle of Eight, the Red Wizards of Thay.

Associated Classes: Adept, archivist (Heroes of Horror), bard, expert, monk, sorcerer, warlock (Complete Arcane), wizard.

Associated Skills: Decipher Script, Gather Information, Knowledge (any), Profession (scribe), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.

Duties: Members are expected to seek out new information pertaining to the subject of their interest, and to present such data to the organization at large. Sometimes they are called upon to actively pursue important leads, though they might decline for suffi ciently good reasons. In addition, members are expected to remain both loyal to the organization and objective in their pursuits; revealing confi dential information to nonmembers is grounds for expulsion. Lastly, spellcasting members must provide copies of any spell to which the organization does not yet have access, and be available to cast various spells on the organization’s behalf from time to time (no more than twice per month, and the organization offers compensation for all castings at half the going rate).

Favored Benefits: Members can draw on the vast stores of information amassed by their organization. A member can pick any one Knowledge skill associated with his organization. Any time she has unrestricted access to his organization’s records, she receives a +2 insight bonus on checks using that Knowledge skill and a +1 insight bonus on Knowledge checks of any other variety.

Sample Contact: Divina Scuppernon (gnome bard 10). Divina is fascinated by legendary people and items, and will cast legend lore for free if the material component is paid for up front or provided. Once per month.


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