Arkalyne Tostoni Shadow-Mage

Tostoni's cloak of shadows is a unique item, made by the mage when he was alive. It confers +2 protection to AC and saves, and casts a permanent area of shadows in a 5-foot radius about the wearer. This negates normal daylight and even light as strong as bright sunlight or a continual light spell. Vision within the radius, or across it, is not affected. Tostoni made it because his eyes suffered badly in bright light and he wanted a protective cloak which would also protect his sight. He could not have guessed, at the time, how useful it would be to him in times to come!

As a shadow-creature, Tostoni is 6'2" tall, very lean and gaunt, with his originally saturnine features heavily accentuated in his shadow-form. He was 35 years old at the time of his execution, but looks a good 10 years older than this. His face is impassive and expressionless until he sees Porthos , when a snarl of elemental fury will spread across his lips. He looks only for Porthos, and largely ignores the PCs, although he will use spells to support his monster helpers in melee to overcome the PCs.


Forces Available to Tostoni

Monster Summoning Il: 5 gnolls, each with 12 hp; then 5 troglodytes, each with 10 hp.

Monster Summoning Ill: 4 ghouls, each with 10 hp.

Monster Summoning IV: 2 5-headed hydras, each with 40 hp.

Conjure Elemental: Earth elementals (2), with 92 hp and 67 hp.

Invisible Stalker: One, with 41 hp.

Marble Elephant (Mastodon): 13 HD monster with 70 hp.

AC -4 (bracers of defense AC 3, ring of protection + 2, cloak of shadows, and Dex 18 MV 12 (and special M14; hp 70; THAC0 16/14; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +4 (dagger +3 Str 16, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 13; SD 70% magic resistance, shadow images (generates 1d4 + 1 shadowy duplicate images of self within 30 feet AL N.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 5 3rd, 4 4th, 4 5th, 2 6th, and 1 7th.

Spells usually memorized: burning hands, charm person, magic missile, protection from good, unseen servant, dark ness 15' radius , detect invisibility, invisibility, Melf's acid arrow, web, dispel magic ( x 2), fly, haste ( x 2), dimension door, Evard 's black tentacles, monster summoning II ( x 2), animate dead, conjure elemental ( x 2), monster summoning III, invisible stalker, monster summoning IV, limited wish (this last not used in combat).

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 3, ring of protection + 2, dagger + 3, chime of opening (15 charges), figurine of wondrous power (marble elephant: mas todon). wand of paralyzation (4 charges), and doak of shadows (see below).


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