Armies of Bakhoury

The Bakhoury Coast, although nominally a vassal of Zeif, is known as a wild and lawless place, with little in the way of organized government, let alone an organized standing military. That said, at those times when the inhabitants are roused to action, they can be quite effective warriors indeed. Usually this occurs when their independence is threatened, paradoxically stirring them to unity to repel the would-be conqueror.

Bakhoury mercenary companies are also not unknown, especially in the Baklunish lands. These usually consist of bands of up to 500 light infantry or cavalry (although usually closer to 100 or 200), outfitted with spear or sling in the case of infantry, and with lance or short bow in the case of cavalry.

With all that said, the Bakhoury coast can raise the following forces in short order, as of 576 CY:

• 2,000 light infantry

• 1,000 with spear and shield

• 1,000 with sling

• 1,000 light cavalry

• 500 with lance and shield

• 500 with short bow and sword

Because of the untamed nature of the Bakhoury Coast, fewer levies can be raised than can be by the more centrally-ruled nations, but the light infantry cited above can be roughly doubled during a time of crisis. Paynim mercenary troops are more likely to be utilized, however.

Troops from the Bakhoury Coast are a mix of types drawn from throughout the Baklunish lands, including many Paynim renegades. Any sort of Arab Conquest or Crusades era figures would be appropriate; Arabs, Berbers, Fatamids, Syrians, etc.


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