Armies of Ekbir

Although the Caliph of Ekbir claims overlordship over the entirety of the Baklunish Basin, this claim is only recognized within the lands that he and his forces control directly.

Although Ekbir has a strong navy and is the largest city on the coast of the Drawmij Ocean, its standing army is relatively small by the standards of the Flanaess. In time of war, the Caliph relies on his deep coffers to hire Paynim mercenaries by the thousands.

Notable among the Caliph’s forces are the Royal Guard, which consists of 250 swordsmen of superior quality who receive the most rigorous training. Each is armed with a special tulwar engraved with the motto of Ekbir chased in gold, and wears banded mail and large shield, and they are known by their striking cloth-of gold turbans, often worn atop a small helmet. They are a formidable unit, and their morale in combat is superior to regular troops.

The standing army of Ekbir as of CY 578 is as follows:

• 1,000 heavy infantry

• 750 w/spear, mail & shield

• 250 w/sword, banded mail & shield

• 3,000 light cavalry

• 1,500 w/lance, bow & shield

• 1,500 w/lance & shield

• 1,000 medium cavalry, all with mail, lance, and shield.

Ekbir’s relatively large population affords it the ability to levy large numbers of troops at need. Fully 10,000 light infantry spearmen can be so raised, as well as an additional 1,000 light cavalry with lance, bow, and shield.

Ekbir’s forces can be represented by miniatures of Fatimids, Arabs, or Syrians from the appropriate era. Cavalry troops will wear light helms most of the time. Shields are usually round.


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