Armies of Ket

Ket is unique among Baklunish lands, as it represents a unique mix of east and west. Even though the Baklunish tend to dismiss the inhabitants of the eastern Flanaess as barbarians, there is no disputing the fact that the east has weapons and armor, not to mention tactics, that are at least the equal of the Baklunish west, and in many cases its superior.

Ket’s army reflects this mix, with a core of pikemen and crossbowmen, reflecting their eastern influences, plus the light cavalry that is common in Baklunish armies.

• 1,000 heavy infantry, all armed with pikes and wearing leather

• 1,000 light infantry

• 750 armed with heavy crossbows

• 250 armed with short bows

• 2,000 light cavalry armed with short bows and lightly armored

• 1,000 medium cavalry armed with lances and wearing mail

In times of war, Ket can raise another 500 medium cavalry and 2,000 light infantry, drawn from leavies of peasants and the lower classes of city-dwellers.

To depict Ketite warriors, figures representing Crusades-era Saracens or Ghilman (sing. Ghulam) should work well. Such figures are usually depicted with heavier armor and more Western weapons (such as crossbows) than other Muslim figures.

Finding figures representing Saracen pikemen will no doubt prove to be a challenge, as there were no such troops historically (Oerth is a fantasy world after all!). For such troops, spearmen miniatures will have to suffice, with more adventurous and skilled wargamers modifying them appropriately. Classical Macedonian pikemen figures are also a possibility.


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