Armies of the Archbarony of Ratik

Although in CY 577 the manpower resources of Ratik were depleted, the land’s good relations with its neighbors (both human and demi human) allowed it to raise a decent standing army, especially when reinforced by its allies.

The standing army of Ratik

consists of the following:

• 1,225 medium infantry with spear, wearing chainmail and shield

• 500 medium infantry with crossbows, wearing chainmail

• 500 light infantry with axe (woodsmen)

• 500 light cavalry with javelin and sword

• Volunteer Border companies

(4, with 4 additional companies expected by early 579), each with:

• 125 light infantry with axe

• 100 light infantry with light crossbow


have been raised and militia activated to augment the standing army totaling with the following forces:

• 1,200 medium infantry with pole-arms

• 1,800 light infantry with spear

• 1,000 medium infantry with long bow

Demi-human contingents

that can be counted on by the Archbarony are as follows (this does not include dwarven troops that are friendly, but remain in the mountains to garrison their own strongholds):

• 600 sylvan elf light infantry with sword and bow

• Gnomes of the southeastern Rakers

• 1,750 gnome light infantry with spear

• 1,250 gnome medium infantry with axes

Miniatures for the forces of Ratik can be taken from Hussite or German late medieval ranges, if available, otherwise generic late medieval figures will do. 15mm gnome figures are rare, but do exist.


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