Armies of the County of Ulek

Much like his neighbor to the north, the Count of Ulek has little to fear from his neighbors, and thus does not need to maintain a large standing force. As of CY 578, the

Count’s armies

consist of the following:

• 400 medium cavalry with sword, mace, or axe, wearing chainmail and shield

• 500 heavy infantry with bills, wearing plate mail

• 800 light halfling infantry with slings

• 1,000 light gnome infantry with spears

Almost this entire force is quartered at Jurnre, except for 100 halflings stationed at Fort Kenderena on the banks of the Kewl River just south of the city of Kewlbanks, and 20% of the total force which is rotated in and out of the town of Altimira on the eastern slopes of the Lortmils. These troops provide protection against intrusion from the still-dangerous Suss Forest.

In times of emergency another 1,000 light infantry with spear and 200 light infantry with slings can be called up from the noble levies.

Standard late medieval/early renaissance figures would serve for the armies of the Count of Ulek.


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