Armies of the Duchy of Tenh

With the ascension of a new Duke, the Tenha Host has been quite active of late. Within the last two years, Rockegg Pass was secured against Stonehold, the western Bandit Kingdoms were invaded and converted into a neutral, near-ally, neighbor. This freed the new duke to preemptively invade the neighboring Pale. Significant fighting is expected come the spring, as the force threatens Wintershriven, where the Palish Faithful Bands are gathering.

The Host currently headquartered in Nevond Nevnend and responsible for maintaining a watch on the western and northern borders, under the command of Marshal Iaba, consists of the following as of the end of CY 578:

• 1,000 light infantry with shortbows

• 2,000 medium infantry with pole arms, wearing chainmail and shield

• 400 light cavalry with javelins

• 1,600 medium cavalry with hand weapons, wearing chainmail and shields

A total of some 750 medium infantry with shortbows, wearing chainmail, plus 400 light cavalry with spears and shields, garrison the various new fortifications along the edge of the Troll Fens and upper Yol River.

The bulk of the Tenha Host is wintering on the southern bank of the Yol in the captured Castle Egremont, within easy striking distance of Wintershiven. The army is commanded by the

Duke himself, Ehyeh III (R11)

, and consists of the following:

• 3,000 light infantry with short bows

• 8,000 medium infantry with pole arms, wearing chainmail

• 1,000 light cavalry with javelins and shields

• 3,000 medium cavalry with hand weapons, wearing chainmail and shields

Because the Tenha are an ethnically distinct Flannae people, it is suggested that a different manufacturer of miniatures be chosen to represent them on the table, to emphasize the slight differences in armor and other accoutrements.


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