Armies of the Earldom of Sterich

Sterich’s armies are primarily engaged in maintaining a strong presence on the mountainous western frontier, but do on occasion venture eastward to support the forces of Keoland, whose king is technically the liege lord of the Earl.

The Earl’s armies

consist of the following numbers. As noted above, however, at least a third of these will always be kept behind to maintain a guard against the giants and humanoids in the mountain reaches.

• 5,600 light infantry with swords, wearing padded or studded leather and shields

• 3,900 light cavalry with lances, wearing padded or studded leather and shields

• 800 dwarven heavy infantry with axes or swords, wearing plate mail and shield

One of the renowned units in Sterich are the

Silver Lances,

an elite troop of cavalry that is always at the van when deployed into battle, and which has a reputation for gallantry and courage. The Silver Lances were recently (CY 572) responsible for single-handedly repulsing a force of hill giants and ogres who had slain scores of regular soldiery. Their shields bear the device of a silver spear on a field of green, with a skull sinister chief. 300 of the light cavalry listed above belong to the Silver Lances.

Miniatures for the forces of Sterich

can be had from any late medieval/early renaissance European range, or even from the Hundred Years’ War.


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