Armies of the Free City of Greyhawk in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Armies of the Free City of Greyhawk

The standing army of the Free City of Greyhawk

is small but efficient and made up of veterans, backed up in many cases by spellcasters of some sort or another. There are two main bodies of troops, one in the city and one in the Cairn Hills, but the forces of the City Watch are not included in the description below. They would not be put into service except in the defense of the city itself, and in such a case the city is wealthy enough to hire large numbers of mercenaries for its defense (indeed, there are quite a few mercenaries in the city at any given time).

The city garrison

, stationed in the Grand Citadel, consists of the following:

• 180 medium infantry with swords and either pikes or halberds, as needed, wearing chainmail

• 100 medium infantry with either longbows or crossbows, wearing chainmail

• 55 medium cavalry with hand weapons, wearing chainmail

The Cairn Hills force is split into six smaller garrisons distributed throughout the region. Each is backed up by several clerics and magic-users, and consists of the following:

• 180 medium infantry with swords and longbows, wearing chainmail

Late 14th or early 15th century figures would do for the troops of the city of Greyhawk. Care should be taken to either have figures that can depict troops with two sorts of weapons, or to have multiple sets of infantry that can be used when either sort of weapon is needed.


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