Armies of the Grand Duchy of Geoff

Geoff is in one sense blessed, as it has little to fear from its neighbors, as its borders are largely blocked by thick woodlands, hills, and mountains. It is, however, largely cursed by the hordes of giants and humanoids that regularly pour down from those self-same mountains. Thus, despite its relative isolation, Geoff is compelled to maintain a robust force of men-at arms in order to deter raids from that quarter.

The lowlands provide horse, the woodlands excellent elvish archers, and the settled mountains produce units of strong pikemen. Together these form a formidable and effective army with a variety of arms that renders them quite flexible in responding to threats.

As of CY 578, the standing army of Geoff consists of the following.

• 5,000 heavy infantry with pikes, wearing plate mail

• 3,000 medium infantry with pikes, unarmored

• 1,900 light cavalry with spear, wearing chainmail and shield

• 2,200 light elvish infantry with longbow

• 800 medium elvish infantry with sword and bow

In addition to those regular troops, Geoff can raise substantial numbers of militia and levies if needed.

• 6,000 light infantry with spear

• 1,500 light infantry with sword and longbow

Late medieval or early Renaissance miniatures, or those representing the armies of the Hundred Years’ War, would do well on the table as the army of Geoff.


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