Armies of the Janasib Islands

As with the other major island chains of the Drawmij Ocean, the Janasib islands’ strength is in their navy, not their ground forces. The rulers of the Janasibs are pirates and buccaneers, and as such their organized military ground forces are minimal, sufficient to garrison their port-towns but little else. The self-styled Emir of the Isles ostensibly controls these forces, and in case of an invasion would certainly be called upon to organize a defense.

As of CY 578, the Janasib islands’ ground forces are as follows:

• 200 medium infantry, all armed with spears and wearing mail and shield

• 500 light infantry armed with javelins and round shields, otherwise unarmored

Berber or Arab figures from the Arab conquest or Crusades eras can be used to represent troops of the Janasib islands.


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