Armies of the Kingdom of Celene

One of the few demihuman-ruled nations, and with a minority population of humans, the reclusive kingdom of Celene maintains a large army not only to maintain the integrity of its borders, but also to continually harass those humanoids who travel through the Suss and southern Welkwood forests.

Most of the demihuman troops in

Celene’s army

are veterans, having proved their worth in the Hateful Wars that drove the humanoids from the Lortmil mountains more than 60 years ago.

• 400 light infantry with spears and shields

• 500 light elvish infantry with short bows and swords (skirmishers)

• 300 light gnome infantry with slings

• 400 light gnome infantry with hand weapons

• 250 light halfling infantry with slings and swords (skirmishers)

• 600 medium infantry with longbows, wearing chainmail

• 500 medium elvish infantry with swords, wearing chainmail and shield

• 800 medium gnome infantry with spears, wearing chainmail

• 400 heavy infantry with pikes, wearing plate

• 300 light cavalry with spears and shields

• 400 light elvish cavalry with short bows and swords

• 100 light elvish hippogriff cavalry with short bows and swords

• 400 medium cavalry with hand weapons, wearing chainmail and shield

• 300 heavy elvish cavalry with hand weapons, wearing plate and shield

In addition,


can be called up in a fortnight totaling as follows:

• 1,250 light infantry with spears and shields

• 500 light elvish infantry with swords and shields

• 600 light elvish cavalry with spears and shields

For the human troops of Celene, Feudal French or English troops would suffice. Numerous companies make demihuman troops that would be suitable for that part of the army.


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