Armies of the Overking of Aerdy

It is worth noting that the armies of the Overking and his vassals employ unusually high numbers of peasant levies in their ranks when they take the field;

armies simply sweep up whomever they can find in their path and press them into service. In this way armies can grow to unusually (some might say ridiculously) large forces, but with disproportionate numbers of untrained, under equipped, and poorly motivated troops. Supply naturally becomes a problem for such forces, which ravage the countryside wherever they march. Miniatures for the soldiery of the Great Kingdom are best taken from ranges that include the Hundred Years War, or German troops in the late medieval/early renaissance periods. No figures with guns would be used, of course, as gunpowder does not work on Oerth, whether in handguns or cannon. Morion-type helmets are not used. Where particular types of figures are recommended for specific units, details will be given in the appropriate section. As a rule, shields will be of heater or kite type unless otherwise specified.

Painting figures for armies of the Great Kingdom is an excuse to let your imagination run riot when it comes to heavy cavalry and knights. Only those knights directly under a lord will wear his colors, the rest bearing surcoats, shield devices, and caparisons with their own heraldic colors and devices. A stand of knights (as a rule, heavy cavalry are knights) should be a rainbow of color, and will naturally be wearing full or field plate. Levies and regulars would wear the colors of the lord who raised them, in most cases the Overking or the royal peers. Certain special and venerable regiments, however, have earned the honor of bearing their own colors and insignia. Such honors are bestowed after notable achievement and valor on the battlefield, and are a point of honor for all who serve in them. They are described below.


Militarily, the hosts of the Overking Ivid V are quite modest, considering the vastness of his domains (according to his many titles, at least). In reality, the Overking’s army consists of his Companion Guard, which are all well-equipped troops with high morale, but who number a mere 4,000. Until recently these companies were organized by troop type, but now they are divided into ten mixed companies, each under the command of a Demonic Knight of Doom.

As of CY 578, the Companion Guard consists of the following:

• 400 light cavalry armed with sword and spear, wearing leather or studded armor and round shields

• 600 medium cavalry with sword and lance, wearing chainmail and kite shields

• 400 heavy cavalry with lance and bastard sword, wearing either full plate or plate mail, carrying kite shields

• 400 light infantry with either swords, axes, or maces

• 800 medium infantry armed with long swords, spears, and maces, wearing chainmail

• 800 heavy infantry

• 400 with bastard swords and either spears or pole arms, wearing chainmail and shield

• 400 orcs with various pole arms, wearing either plate

• 200 light infantry with short bows and short swords, wearing leather armor

• 120 light infantry with crossbows and either short swords or axes, wearing leather armor

• 80 medium infantry with longbows and swords, wearing leather armor

• 200 light cavalry with short bows and swords, wearing studded leather armor and round shields

Often multiple mixed companies are deployed together, and occasionally certain troop types are deployed together as a unit (as with the army of General Ranwald, below).

In addition to these standing troops, the Overking’s Own Imperial Woodsmen are a standing force of 600 deployed in the Grandwood. They are described in more detail below.

Finally, the Overking has a number of regular humanoid troops, which are drawn from subject tribes as tribute and trained in the art of civilized warfare. As of CY 578, the following such troops were available to the Malachite Throne, but many more could be mobilized if needed, and used in the field as irregulars:

• 1,000 hobgoblin heavy infantry with various pole arms, wearing chain mail

• 700 orc light infantry with long bows, wearing leather armor

• 1,900 goblin light infantry with swords or axes, wearing leather armor, some with shields

• 1,000 kobold light infantry with axe and shield

• 1,100 orc medium infantry with spear and either sword or axe, wearing leather armor, some with shields

The bulk of the Overking’s military strength consists of contingents drawn from the various nobles under his direct control, constituting a force of approximately 9,000 strong. The hiring of mercenaries and the recruitment of humanoid and brigand “irregulars” could increase this significantly. number

These vassals can provide the following troops at short notice, but doing so would strip them of their defenses (except for regular garrisons):

mail or full plate

Principality of Darnagal

• 350 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

• 150 light cavalry with crossbows, wearing padded armor or studded leather

• 50 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

Principality of Delaric


• 400 light infantry with javelins and short swords

• 250 heavy infantry with various pole arms, wearing plate mail

• 250 light cavalry with short bow and sword, wearing chain mail

• 150 medium cavalry with lances and swords, wearing chain mail

• 150 heavy cavalry with lance and either axe or sword, wearing field plate and shield

Principality of Rinloru

• 350 medium infantry with crossbows, wearing studded leather

• 250 light cavalry, armed with short bows and swords, wearing padded or leather armor

• 100 heavy cavalry with lance and either axe or sword, wearing field plate and shield

Principality of Winetha

• 350 medium cavalry armed with lance and sword, wearing chainmail

• 80 heavy cavalry with lance and either axe or sword, wearing field plate and shield Roland

• 200 light infantry with slings Principality of Dustbridge

• 350 light infantry with short bow and axe, wearing leather or studded leather (woodsmen)

• 120 light infantry with long bow

• 40 heavy cavalry with lance and either axe or sword, wearing field plate and shield

Principality of Torrich

• 200 light infantry with spear and shield

• The Pointers:

400 light cavalry, armed with short composite bow and morning star, wearing leather or padded armor. Their colors are black and scarlet, and their symbol is two crossed silver arrows. They are used to take the point when in larger groups of soldiers, and are expert at lone skirmishing missions.

• 250 medium cavalry with sword, mace, or axe, wearing chainmail and shield

• 120 heavy cavalry with lance and either sword or axe, wearing plate mail or full plate

Principality of Nulbish

• 300 light infantry with javelins and either swords or axes

• The Howlers:

500 heavy infantry, armed with halberds and wearing plate mail. Their colors are yellow, brown, and white, and their symbol is a bronze baboon. They are famed for their ominous howling, which can cause enemies’ morale to falter.

• 150 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing field plate and kite shields

Priincipality of Kalstrand

• 300 medium infantry with spears, wearing padded or studded leather armor and kite shields

• The Bolters:

300 medium cavalry, armed with javelins and swords, armored with chain mail. Their colors are black and aquamarine, and their symbol is a tan horse. They are known for charging uncontrollably towards an enemy.

• 80 heavy cavalry with lance and either sword, axe, or mace, wearing plate mail and shield

Principality of Jalpa

• The Greens:

Also known as the Royal Jalpanese Partisaneers, this regiment consists of 500 medium infantry with partisans, wearing plate mail. Their colors are green and black (hence their nickname), and their symbol is a sunwise flower, which is abundant in Jalpa. Their steadfastness when pressed is famous.

• 100 light cavalry, armed with crossbows and swords, wearing padded or leather armor

• 80 heavy cavalry with lance and either axe or sword, wearing field plate and shield

Principality of Rel Deven

• 250 light infantry with javelins

• 600 medium infantry with various pole arms, wearing chain mail or plate mail (300 of these are stationed at the castle of Blacksplinter near the border with Almor)

• 450 light infantry with short bow and either sword or axe, wearing leather or studded leather armor (woodsmen)

• 350 light cavalry with spear and round shield

• 200 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing full plate and shield

The Imperial army

under the command of General Banwald (F8) is currently deployed in the Granwood forest, and consists of the following:

• 240 light cavalry from the Overking’s Companion Guard

• 120 crossbowmen from the Overking’s Companion Guard

• 240 orcish foot from the Overking’s Companion Guard

• Marek’s Marauders

(a mercenary company)

• 150 light cavalry with light crossbow and sword, wearing padded or studded leather

• 750 medium infantry with spear, wearing chainmail and shield (various types)

• 3,500 humanoid infantry (regulars; see above)

• 800 hobgoblin heavy infantry with various pole arms, wearing chain mail

• 350 orc light infantry with long bows, wearing leather armor

• 1,300 goblin light infantry with swords or axes, wearing leather armor, some with shields

• 500 kobold light infantry with axe and shield

• 650 orc medium infantry with spear and either sword or axe, wearing leather armor, some with shields

• 6,000 humanoid light infantry (irregulars, pressed into service from various local tribes and clans)

• 200 bugbears armed with morning star, axe, or sword

• 350 gnolls with various pole arms

• 150 gnolls with long bows

• 1,250 goblins with spears

• 750 goblins with morning stars

• 750 hobgoblins with various pole arms

• 250 hobgoblins with swords and long bows

• 300 norkers with morning stars

• 150 orcs with axe and either spear or pole arm

• 150 orcs with axe and short bow

• 350 orcs with spears

• 500 orcs with various pole arms

• 250 orcs with axe and crossbow

• 550 xvarts with small swords

• The Overking’s Own Imperial Woodsmen:

600 light infantry, armed with axes and short bows, wearing studded leather.

Their colors are olive and blue, and their symbol is a red owl. They are well-versed in the art of fighting in woodlands.

In time of great necessity, the Overking could field an army of 60 to 80,000 troops by calling up all his levies, noble contingents, irregulars, and in addition to these field troops, the Overking or his vassals maintain garrisons as follows.

Fortified locations are marked with an asterisk.


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Darnagal


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Delaric

High Nordan*:

10 medium infantry


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Rinloru


20 light infantry with longbows

Northern Tower*:

50 light infantry with longbows, 20 light cavalry

Sea Keeps* (4):

Each has 30 light infantry with longbows and 10 light cavalry


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Winetha

Pearl Beacon:

10 light infantry

Fharlanst Castle*:

15 light infantry with longbows


20 light infantry


15 light cavalry


20 light infantry with longbows, 15 light cavalry with javelins


10 light infantry with longbows


20 light cavalry


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Dustbridge

Morshaldin Castle*:

20 light infantry with light crossbows, 20 light cavalry with swords and light crossbows


10 light cavalry


20 light infantry with javelins



Companion Guard


35 heavy infantry


20 light infantry by the


15 light infantry with longbows


10 medium cavalry


10 medium infantry

Phalanx Keeps* (3):

Each has 10 light infantry with longbows and 15 light cavalry with light crossbow and sword


10 light infantry


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Jalpa


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Torrich

The Coach Keeps (2):

Each has 10 light cavalry with sword and javelin


50 medium cavalry, used as a reserve for the western border


garrisoned by the majority of the army of the Prince of Rel Deven (see above)

Rel Deven*:

30 light cavalry with short bows and swords


300 medium infantry with various pole arms, wearing either chainmail or plate mail, from the army of the Prince of Rel Deven (see above)


30 light cavalry with sword and javelin

Bar Strannach*:

10 light infantry


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Kalstrand


garrisoned by the army of the Prince of Nulbish

The Overking’s Heavy Guard Cavalry and Heavy Guard Foot were released in 4 different blister-packs by Minifigs many years ago (also released under the title “Knights of the Silver Rose”). Those figures were quite distinctive and unique, with open-faced conical helmets, flanged banded armor, and flower-shaped round shields. Since these figures are now nearly impossible to obtain in any numbers, more conventional miniatures will have to suffice for these units (but the ambitious miniatures enthusiast might still want to custom make a stand of heavy infantry with blowguns, for effect).

Certain uncommon types of humanoids such as xvarts are best depicted using same-sized humanoids from other miniatures manufacturers (thus providing a different appearance), painted appropriately. Xvarts, for instance, can be converted from goblin figures, painted blue.


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