Armies of the Plardom of Rookroost

While often referred to as a collective, the so-called bandit kingdoms are actually agglomeration of petty lordships of the type which spanned from the Atonsamay to the Howling Hills, but most of that territory has been absorbed into states such as the empire of Iuz, the Horned Society, and the Shield Lands.

Recent events involving Tenh and the Horned Society, however, have brought them a seldom-seen unity of purpose, and they are rallying together to expel the Host of the Hierarchs from Warfields and Wormhall, fearing that each of them may be next. Although they make common cause with one another, the Free Lords, as they style themselves, command their own forces, which as of spring 579 are expected to number as follows:

• Plardom of Rookroost

• 350 light infantry with spears and shields

• 150 medium infantry with pole arms, wearing chainmail

• 200 light cavalry with javelins

Their very nature makes the armies of the Free Lords somewhat rag-tag in nature. It is thus very appropriate that figures be taken from a number of specific ranges and locales, to give the force a disunified look and feel, trending towards the earlier part of the feudal/medieval period. Similarly, one should not feel too bound by strict adherence to the weapon and armor types given above; as long as the unit is predominantly thus armed and armored, having a few exceptions will only add to the overall effect.


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