Armies of the Principality of Ulek

The Prince of Ulek , unlike his neighbors to the north, does indeed have a warlike and aggressive neighbor, and thus has need of many more troops. That neighbor is, of course, the Pomarj to the east, and the many humanoid, bandit, brigand, and other power groups that dwell within.

As of the end of CY 578, the bulk of the Prince’s army is encamped across the Jewel River southeast of Eastboro, in the Pomarj, having failed to capture Strandkeep Castle by siege. They are under the command of Baron Ulrich Threechins (F14).

As many as 3,000 human levies were part of the army, but returned to their homes to complete the harvest and next year’s planting. They are expected to return thereafter.

The expeditionary force

consists of the following:

• 5,000 heavy dwarven infantry with axes or swords, wearing plate mail and shield

• 600 medium dwarven infantry with crossbows and swords, wearing chainmail

• 2,000 medium cavalry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing chainmail and shield

• 300 gnome engineers (currently engaged in constructing new siege equipment to replace that lost at Strandkeep Castle)

It should be noted that 10% of this force will be in Eastboro at any given time, rotated out on leave. With the exception of the royal garrison at Gryrax, the remainder of the Prince’s armies are in the east of the nation, either mustering to support the army of Baron Ulrich or maintaining a guard against incursions from the Suss Forest.

• Gryrax

• 300 heavy dwarven infantry with axes or swords, wearing plate mail and shield

• 500 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

• 250 medium cavalry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing chainmail and shield

• Rittersmarche

•150 heavy dwarven infantry with axes or swords, wearing plate mail and shield

• 50 medium dwarven infantry with crossbows and swords, wearing chainmail

• 200 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

• 100 light halfling infantry with slings

• Oakenburgh

• 40 light halfling infantry with spears

• 20 medium cavalry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing chainmail and shield

• Brenfluss

• 30 medium dwarven infantry with crossbows and swords, wearing chainmail

• 30 medium cavalry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing chainmail and shield

• Thunderstrike

• 300 heavy dwarven infantry with swords or axes, wearing plate mail and shield

• 120 light halfling infantry with slings

• Fort Stonewall

• 40 medium cavalry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing chainmail and shield

• Havenhill

• 100 medium dwarven infantry with crossbows and swords, wearing chainmail and shield

• Dreki

• 40 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

• Gomel

• 30 heavy dwarven infantry with axes or swords, wearing platemail

• 20 medium cavalry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing chainmail

• Grindin

• 20 medium cavalry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing chainmail

• Ogard

• 20 medium dwarven infantry with crossbows and swords, wearing chainmail, detached from Baron Ulrich’s army

The human forces of the Prince of Ulek can be shown on the tabletop with miniatures from the late medieval/early Renaissance era. Dwarf and halfling miniatures are fairly common in a variety of scales, but care should be taken not to include any with firearms, which are unknown and cannot function on Oerth.


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