Armies of the Sea Barons

The strength of the Sea Barons lies, naturally enough, in their navy. However, they do maintain a certain number of ground troops, and of course marines, which are detailed herein. As detailed elsewhere, a large fraction of the forces of the Sea Barons have been sent to bolster North Province in 578 under the command of Lord Captain Aldusc (F9) and Under-Admiral Sir Radolph Gerdio (F8), but what is detailed below represents their total strength.

As of CY 578, the non-naval forces of the Sea Barons are as follows:

• 1,000 light infantry with light crossbows, wearing padded or leather armor (quartered in Oakenheart)

• 1,000 light infantry with javelins (quartered in Ironport and Port Elder)

• 500 medium infantry with heavy crossbows, wearing chainmail (quartered in Oakenheart)

• 2,000 heavy infantry with swords, axes, or maces, wearing plate mail (veterans, quartered in Asperdi and Port Elder)

• 500 light cavalry with short bow and sword (elite, quartered in Asperdi and Ironport)

• 100 medium cavalry with lance and sword, wearing chainmail (bodyguard, posted in Asperdi)

• 2,000 light infantry with swords, wearing leather or padded armor (marines, posted aboard ships, based in Port Elder, Oakenheart, and Ironport)

His Lordship’s Own Company of Artillerists

, quartered in Ironport:

• 120 artillerists/engineers

• 4 heavy catapults

• 6 light catapults

There are no garrisons in the towns of the Sea Barons other than those consisting of the forces listed above.


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