Armies of Tusmit

Tusmit is often overlooked, and this is a state of affairs with which its Pasha is quite comfortable. Ever fearful of being absorbed into the Caliphate of its neighbor, Ekbir, Tusmit’s defense is often more diplomatic than military, but it nonetheless has a force that is modeled on that of Ekbir.

The majority of Tusmit’s army is light cavalry, and all wield the lance which is so common on the steppes of the Baklunish basin. Half of these troops also carry bows and can switch between the two weapons at need. Tusmit’s heavy infantry are all spearmen who fight in close formation.

Tusmit is unique among Baklunish lands in the use of demi-human troops; several dwarf clans from the Yatils provide troops to the Pasha.

As of CY 578, the Turmiti army consists of the following:

• 1,000 heavy infantry, all with spear, mail & shield

• 500 heavy dwarf infantry, all with axe, mail & shield

• 3,000 light cavalry

• 1,500 w/lance & bow

• 1,500 w/lance

• 1,000 medium cavalry

• 500 with lance and bow, chainmail & and shield

• 500 with lance and chainmail

Tusmit has a large pool of peasants that can be called upon in time of emergency, although not as large as that which Ekbir has at hand. 5,000 light infantry, half with spear and shield, and half with short bow, can be raised, as well as the ubiquitous Paynim mercenaries.

As with Ekbir, Tusmiti military units can be made up of miniatures representing Fatimids, Arabs, or Syrians from the era of the Arab Conquest/Empire or the Crusades. Shields are usually round, but occasionally eastern heater-type shields are not unknown.


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