Armies of Zeif

The Sultan of Zeif’s army is noted both for its excellent medium cavalry, who wear chain mail, as well as their heavy infantry, which is trained to fight with massive two-handed swords and which boasts heavy armor.

They are bolstered by several thousand Paynim mercenary cavalry that are kept on as part of the army on a permanent basis. The horsemen themselves come and go every few months, but the numbers remain constant overall.

As of CY 578, Zeif’s standing armies are composed thusly:

• 1,000 heavy infantry, all armed with two-handed sword and wearing banded mail

• 3,000 light cavalry (Paynim mercenary horsemen)

• 2,000 medium cavalry

• 1,000 w/lance and mail

• 1,000 w/sword and mail

In time of war, the Sultan can (in theory, anyway) call up levies from the vassal Bakhouri Coast cities, but how many troops would actually be sent in response to such a summons has not been tested in recent years. 4,000 light infantry with spear and shield can be called up from its own people, as well as innumerable additional Paynim mercenaries.

Suitable miniature figures for Zeif’s army would include Arab Conquest/ Empire-era Arabs. Hadjis with two handed swords (produced by several companies in different scales) would be suitable for their heavy infantry, while any Arab or Ghulam cavalry wearing chain mail would be appropriate for the medium cavalry. Either light helms or turbans would work for both foot and horse troops.


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